Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 31/60

Galatians 6:1-10

vs 1-5 Help a brother who is in sin. Be careful not to fall into temptation as well. Do not think of yourself as more then you are.

vs 6 Share the good things that you are learning.

vs 7-10 For each action there is a reaction. What effort you put into something there will be that return. What you plant, and work the soil, it will benefit you in the long term with a good harvest.
When an opportunity presents itself, do good to all.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 30/60

This makes me half way through this bible challenge. It is taking me a lot longer then I should. I hope you guys are doing well too.

Galatians 5

vs 1 So many people burden themselves with things that we have no control. Do not be a slave to these things seek help from others and hand over your problems to God.

vs 2-6 the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. You do not need to perform a ritual to make yourself okay with God. It is about faith and love.

vs 7-8 What happened to you that took your eyes off the truth?

vs 9-12 Be careful what is taking you over. A small amount of yeast has a great affect on bread, just like people can have on your life.

vs 13-15 live in freedom. This is what we were called to be. But do not use your freedom to fall into temptation. Rather serve people in love. The law can be summed up in loving your neighbor. Do not tear each other up.

vs 16-18 Live by the Spirit and not your own sinful desire.

vs 19-21 Sinful nature- sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfishness, dissension, factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, etc
-----Those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God---------

vs 22-23 Fruit of the Spirit
1. love
2. joy
3. peace
4. patience
5. kindness
6. goodness
7. faithfulness
8. gentleness
9. self control
live by these things

vs 24-25 kill the sinful nature, live by the Spirit. Walk the walk.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Day 29/60

Galatians 3:19-4:7

vs 19-22 The law was added because of transgressions until the Seed arrived. (The Seed here is a reference to Christ.) The whole world is a prisoner to sin, and to become free from this sin is to have faith in Christ.

vs 23-25 This law was supposed to lead us to Christ, so we could be free through faith.

vs 26-29 It does not matter where you have come from, what your past is, but through faith we are all heirs to God's kingdom.

4:1-2 We are able to own all that God has to offer. Even though we give up all of ourselves to follow Christ.

vs 3-7 God sent us his Son to redeem us, who are under the law. So we could be full heirs. So you are no longer a slave but a son or daughter of God.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 28/60

Galatians 2:11-21

vs 11-13 Paul is adamant about Peter being a hypocrite. He lived one way with some people and a different way with others.

vs 14-16 He asks Peter how he forces the Gentiles to live like Jews when Peter who is Jewish lives like a Gentile. How can you teach others to live this way, when you yourself do not? A man is justified by faith.

vs 17-21 It is all about a life lived after God. We sacrifice ourselves to allow Christ to live in and through us. We need God's grace.

Monday, March 22, 2010

day 27/60

2 Cor 8:1-15

vs 1-7 The generosity of the Macedonian church is referred to in this passage. They are so joyful about the grace they have received that there reaction is to give, even if they do not have much. They gave themselves first to God. Excel in faith, knowledge and love but especially in giving. Generosity truly shows a persons heart.

vs 8-12 Give according to what you have, not to what others are giving or what you do not have.

vs 13-15 Some people have extra, others are in need. You should want to help allow every one to have his or her needs met. We all need to give to show the love of God.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 26/60

2 Cor 6:14-7:1

vs 14-16 Do not be yoked with unbelievers. There should be nothing in common that we have enough to consider to date or marry. There is no reason for missionary dating or marrying. There is no promise that you will be able to make your beliefs their beliefs. And it will only bring issues among morality. values and convictions in the home.

vs 17-7:1 Set apart yourself for the things of God. This does not mean we cannot be around but to date and marry someone who should be so much different then ourselves is not God's plan for us. We do this for our God. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 25/60

2 Cor 5-6:2

vs 1-5 Take off what is mortal and cling to what is eternal.

vs 6-10 Live by faith, not by sight. Things are not always what you see, yet faith is something we cling to and hope for. We make it our goal to please God. We will all face judgement one day.

vs 11-15 Christ love compels us to no longer live our own live but we give our own lives as a sacrifice.

vs 16-21 If we are in Christ we are a new creation. We are different people. We have died to ourselves and now live for Christ's sake. Because of Christ's sacrifice we are able to become righteous.

6:1-2 God's grace is amazing and the time of salvation is now.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 24/60

2 Cor 4

vs 1-5 We are servants of Christ, and I must prove faithful. It is a small thing if I am judged by you. My conscience is clear. And only the Lord judges me. The Lord will bring to light and expose our hearts.

vs 6-7 Do not take pride in man. We are full of faults.

vs 8-13 He builds up the Corinthians and tears down  self. Obviously the Corinthians are becoming prideful. He is showing how he is nothing without Christ. He refers to himself as the scum of the earth, the refuse of the world.

14-17 I am not trying to shame you, rather take it as a warning. I am sending Timothy to help lead you. He will help remind you the way of Christ.

vs 18-21 I will try to come as soon as I can. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 23/60

2 Cor. 1:15- 2:11

vs 15-17 Paul is explaining why he was not able to come to Corinth again.

vs 18-22 Our ministry to Christ is always a yes.  If we follow through with this Christ "will put his Spirit in our hearts. as a deposit."

vs 23-24 by faith you stand firm.

2:1-4 I did not want to cause grief.

vs 5-11 Stand the test and be obedient in everything. 

Day 22/60

2 Cor. 1:3-14

vs 3-7 God comforts us in any time of trouble and suffering. 

vs 8-11 Life was difficult for Paul and his ministry in Asia. However he leaned on God and was able to get through it.

vs 12-14 Paul is confident that he is conducting himself in the way he needs of holiness and sincerity from God.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 21/60

1 Cor 15:1-28

vs 1-2 Continue to believe in the gospel.

vs 3-8 Essential beliefs of the gospel.
1. Christ died for our sins
2. buried
3. raised on the 3rd day
4. appeared to the disciples and 500 others, and me.

vs 9-11 Paul does not feel worthy but knows he has God given grace to be with him.

vs 12-19 the resurrection of Christ is essential to our faith. here the people of Corinth were having a hard time believing this.

vs 20-28 It was because of Adam that all men will die, but is from Christ that all men will be made alive again. The least enemy to be destroyed is death. We will be raised again. Glory to God for all that He is able to accomplish.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 20/60

1 Cor 13

Known as the Love chapter, read at almost every wedding. But we should not look at it as just a human love but of the idea that GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4

vs 1-3 Love is of utmost importance. We need and thrive off of love. If we do not have love, we are nothing!

vs 4-7 What love is.

vs 8-10 Love never fails. When perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. We are measured by our love, for God and others. 

vs 11-12 Growth and maturity comes as we learn to love God and others.

vs 13 Out of faith, hope and love, the greatest is love.

Day 19/60

1 Cor 12

vs 1-6 There are different gifts but all given from the same source. God will lead us all to how we can serve.

vs 7-11 these are different gifts
1. wisdom
2. knowledge
3. faith
4. healing
5. miraculous powers
6. prophecy
7. discernment
8. speaking in tongues
9. interpretation of tongues

vs 12-13 One body, different parts

vs 14-26 All have there place.  Don't try to be in other places but the place that God has gifted you. It is then up to us to use these gifts together to serve the whole body. We rejoice together and suffer together.

vs 27-31 All of us together are the body of Christ.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 18/60

1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13 

vs 19-23 I have become all this to all men so that by all means I might save some. This is everything for someone who is witnessing. It does not mean that your go against God and his commands but that you become part of their lives doing anything and everything possible to win them over.

vs 24-27 We do this to win the prize, like a fighter or or runner who trains and kills his body to become the champion we do the same so that we might get a crown that will last forever. It is not a sprint but a marathon, it is not a short fight but going long and deep and we do what we must to beat in order to do what God asks us to do.

10:1-10 We all follow Christ just like our forefathers. There are a lot of do nots in this section
1. do not be idolaters
2. do not commit sexual immorality
3. do not test the Lord
4. do not grumble

vs 11-13 Take warning, be careful of temptation. God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. We all have a choice. And if we fall into that temptation it is about our flaw and not God. God knows we are able to get through it, but we need to trust in God.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 17/60

1 Corinthians 7:25-40

This is an interesting passage for me to write on. It is normal for us to get married when you are in love and be able to do both. Obviously you can see how Paul feels on this subject. And since I am married you know how I feel on the matter. I will just write on what I feel Paul is trying to say to you and the Corinthians on this subject.

vs 25-31 It is not a sin to marry or to stay unmarried. There will be a lot less troubles for you if you remain unmarried.

vs 32-35 A married man has divided concerns, his God and his wife. It is hard to balance both.

vs 36-38 There is no right or wrong in what you decide to do with staying single or deciding to be married.

vs 39-40 Paul thinks the person who is happy should stay where they are at in life. Do not try to add more, to see if it works.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 16/40

1 Cor 7:1-24

vs 1-9 Paul here challenges those who can fight off the temptations of passion not to marry. But if you are not able to fight of the challenges of lust then to get married so that you can be one, belonging to each other.

vs 10-16 Anyone who does become married should not separate or divorce. However if one is a believer and the other is not, and the unbeliever leaves  let him do so. It is not your place to force a relationship in this way. 

vs 17-24 Each person should remain in the position of when God called him. You are in a specific place for a specific ministry. This is the same with marriage, or even a position. However God never leaves us in the same place. He always calls for growth in our lives.