Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 23

Luke 19

vs 1-10 Jesus takes the time to notice Zaccheus and spends time with him at his house. With this sincere time that Jesus spends with him, Zaccheus decides to pay back the money he cheated people 4 times more the amount that he stole. Awesome, this is why Jesus came, to seek and to save the lost.

vs 11-27 Use the talents God has given you, or you will have those talents taken away and given to someone who will use them to benefit the kingdom.  Jenny's aunt used to be a great singer, one day she decided to stop singing and using her talent. She tried to go back after a long hiatus singing but realized she had lost her gift.

vs 28-44 Jesus comes into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Great crowds praised Jesus. 

vs 45-48 Jesus rebukes the people who were selling things in the temple. "This is a house of prayer."

Day 22

John 9:1-41
vs 1-12 This guy is blind not because of the sins passed down by his parents but so the work of God might be displayed in his life. Jesus then put some mud on his eyes and told the man to wash it off at the pool of Siloam. Then he was able to share with others what had happened when he was healed.

vs 13-34 Some Pharisees are mad about Jesus healing this blind guy on the Sabbath. The ask the former blind man about it. They bring in his parents to confirm it is him and that he was in fact blind. They accuse him of being a sinner, because he does not "see" things the way they do. 

vs 35-41 The Pharisees are blinded by what has been truth rather then the truth that is right in front of them.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 21

Luke 18

More parables. I really love parables. They are stories told by Jesus that probably hit me the hardest when it comes to my faith.

vs 1-8 The story of the persistent widow is a good one. It teaches us not to give up. If she had gone to the judge once or twice she would not have received justice in her favor, but because she did not give up she eventually received what she wanted. This is not to say that God will give you every thing you want but rather not to give up when something is important to you. God hears you, and will give you what is right.

vs 9-14 The Pharisee prayer was lifting himself up, but obviously this is not the attitude of prayer that we should have. Don't lift up what you do but rather lift God up. It was not a prayer of humility. Yet the prayer by the tax collector was lowering himself to ask for forgiveness.

vs 15-17 The child is innocent and pure. There is something about faith like a child that is so fresh. We need to be able to bring children to Christ and raise them in what is right and true.  This goes for us to, we need to receive the kingdom of God just like a child would. For a child it is easy to have faith, believing what others tell them to be true.

vs 18-30 A rich ruler asks about receiving eternal life. Talks about the commandments here. And the ruler says he has kept them. But let us look at the commandments.
#7. do not commit adultery
#6. do not murder
#8. do not steal
#9. do not lie
#5. honor you father and mother. 
All of these have to do with your relationship between other people. Look at the ones left out.
#1. Have no other God's before me.
#2. Do not make yourself an idol.
#3. Do not misuse the name of the Lord.
#4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
#10. Do not covet.
All of these commandments except the last one have to do with the relationship you have with God. These are the ones that God wants us to remember. But if you look at the 10 commandments they can all filter through our relationship with God and people.

Jesus replies to the ruler. Sell everything you have and give to the poor. Then come and follow me. When the ruler heard this he went away sad. The ruler was not willing to give everything up to follow Christ. Following Christ is the first and foremost thing that he wants from us.

vs 31-34 Jesus predicts his death and the disciples struggle to understand what he means by this.

vs 35-43 A blind man begs for Jesus to heal him. Yelling out with all his might to be saved from his blindness. He had obviously heard of Christ and his healing power before. So he did everything he could for Jesus to hear him. And Jesus did in fact heal him.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 20

Luke 17

When you are finished with this bible reading you are 2/3 of the way done. What are you learning? What is God teaching you? I want to hear what you think. 

vs 1-4 DO NOT CAUSE OTHERS TO SIN. This is a powerful statement. Do not lead astray. Help lead people in the right direction. If your brother sins (brother means someone who is in the faith) rebuke  him and help him.

vs 5-10 The disciples ask for an increased faith. What a question to ask for. I hope each one of you pray this prayer every day of your lives. This is one of the things I ask for daily. As we face temptation, as we struggle with what life throws at us we need to not only hold on to our faith but have our faith increased to get through them. 

vs 11-19 Gratitude and  thankfulness is something we need to have more of. It was the case back then too. Only one of ten people went back to thank Jesus for their powerful story of healing. We need to learn to be thankful for all God has done in our lives.

vs 20-37 We need to be the kingdom of God to everyone we come into contact with. It is not our life to live. The sooner we come to that conclusion, we can come to realize that we have nothing to lose.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 19

John 8

This is a really interesting passage. Do your bibles say that the first part of this passage was not included in earlier manuscripts? "That is, the earliest Greek manuscripts, the earliest translations and the earliest church fathers all lack reference to this story. Furthermore, some manuscripts place it at other points within John (after 7:36, 7:44 or 21:25), others include it in the Gospel of Luke (placing it after Luke 21:38), and many manuscripts have marks that indicate the scribes "were aware that it lacked satisfactory credentials" (Metzger 1994:189). Furthermore, it contains many expressions that are more like those in the Synoptic Gospels than those in John." (

vs 1-11 A woman caught in adultery brought before Jesus by the Pharisees. It was written in the law of Moses that you would stone a woman for this. They were asking him about this because they wanted to trap him. But I hope by this point that you know enough about Jesus that he did not fall for it. Jesus bent over and wrote something in the sand. Jesus said, "if any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." The sluggishly left one at a time knowing they were not in the position to judge. Jesus would have been the only one that fit that description, but he did not condemn her as well. But he added onto it to "leave your life of sin." 

No one I know is in the position to condemn. Jesus could have but felt that grace and love were more important. But with the grace he also wanted to see transformation in her life. He wanted her to change her ways.

vs 12-30 Jesus says, I know who I am. I can appear as my own witness. I know where I came from and where I am going. You judge by human standards. I also have the witness of my Father. "When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be." 

Jesus never really comes out and says who He is. In a way it is really cool, He has all the power and authority He needs but never really broadcasts it... at least not yet, it is just not time. 

vs 31-41 "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." It is interesting how many people use the second part of this  verse to set their own agenda. But if you look at the context of the two verses together we find out the truth is God's teaching. This freedom that Jesus is talking about is freedom from sin.

vs 42-47 Jesus is talking about the lying deceiving ways of the devil. Even though these people claim that God is their only Father. Jesus tells them that they belong to the devil rather to God. 

vs 48-59 The Pharisees accused Jesus of being a Samaritan and demon possessed. Remember last week I told you that Samaritans were looked down upon. Well this is proof. The Pharisees ask Jesus who He is. Jesus responds by, "I cannot glorify myself, my Father glorifies me. before Abraham was born, I Am." This the Pharisees took as ultimate blasphemy. They picked up rocks to stone him but Jesus hid and slipped away.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 18

Luke 16

vs 1-14 A debt collector found out that he was really close to losing his job. Because his skills lacked in other areas he knew that he should brown nose the potential employers that might higher him after losing his job. So as a debt collector he went around and made deals to cancels their debts if they could make just a portion of the payment. His master commended him for what he did. In our lives we have to earn the trust. We should not feel that we are owed it. When we try to serve two desires one is left lacking trust in the other. Decide who you will serve God or money. 

vs 15-18 The law will never change. We are trying to force it to fit our own desires. But it will only deceive ourselves if we think we have any bearing on changing the law to fit ourselves. This is what people have been trying to do with divorce. They are trying to find reasons why it is okay.

vs 19-31 Two people died, one a beggar and the other a rich man. The rich man went to hell and was in a terrible torment. The rich man asked Abraham to have Lazarus come over and dip his hand in the water and touch his tongue with it. He was obviously in a horrible place, we wanted to be cooled by just a drop of water.  Since this could not happen the rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brother of this horrible place. Abraham told him if they already do not believe Moses and the Prophets, even someone rising from the dead will not help.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 17

I love parables. We can learn so much from them about how we should live.
vs 1-7 Lost sheepIf a shepherd loses a sheep they would go to search for the sheep. The same way we should approach someone who is lost and does not know Christ. Or someone who might have attended youth group at a time but has stopped attending for some reason. We need to do whatever we can so as many people as possible can know Christ.
vs 8-10 Lost costThe same as the sheep, the coin is valuable to us but our focus needs to be on the lost person. They are worth so much more in eternity than the coin.
vs 11-32 Lost Son (also know as prodigal son)One son asks for his share of the estate. This is a kick to the gut of the Father because this means the son is saying I would rather you die and I have this money. This is the only way someone would traditionally receive an inheritance. 
The son went off and squandered the wealth on wild living. When he had nothing he got a job feeding pigs. Which for a Jewish person this was the lowest position seen. He became so hungry that he longed to eat what the pigs ate. He came to his senses and said he could at least have a better life working for his father. So he returned home.When his father so him from a long distance away he started running to him and embraced his son and kissed him. He threw a party in his honor.His brother however saw this and was mad because he had followed the rules. The father responded by saying everything i have is yours. Celebrate and be glad.So after reading the bullet points of this story, who do you think is the lost son?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 16

If you have made it to day 16, you have already accomplished half of the challenge. Congratulations you are doing awesome. I hope you are learning a lot. I know I am. 

vs 1-11 Jesus asks two questions of the Pharisees. They remain silent not knowing how to answer the questions. When invited to a wedding feast take the least important seat and be invited up to a more important seat rather then taking the important seat and being asked to move. It would be embarrassing. 

vs 12-24 A man had a great banquet but many people had excuses on why they could not make it. So he invited the poor, the crippled, the blind to enjoy the feast. Most took it for granted but those who have been oppressed were grateful for the opportunity.

vs 25-35 Cost of a disciple.
1. Compared to your love for Christ you should hate your family, even yourself.
2. Carry the cross, bear His burdens.
3. Give up everything to be His disciple
4. Stay salty.

Day 15

Matthew 7

Sermon on the Mount Part 3

vs 1-6 We need to be careful about judging. It is so easy to do, yet we do not always realize that we are doing it. Our own brokenness keeps up from telling other people how they need to change. We think we are doing someone else some good but are judging others when we are messed up.

vs 7-12 
1. Ask- if you do not know ask. If you ask you receive.
2. Seek- keep searching, and you will find.
3. Knock- the door will not be opened unless you knock.
Some struggle with faith, this is why it is important for us to continue to ask for our faith strengthened and to seek encouragement so the door will be opened. Faith is grown by our actions and what we put into it we will receive from it.

vs 13-14 Walk through the small gate and narrow path. It leads to life. 

vs 15-23 As followers of Christ we need to bear good fruit.  This is the will of the Father. For more on fruit see Galatians 5:22-23.

vs 24-29  Put God's word into practice. We need to build our foundation of life from Scripture. We would be foolish not to.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 14

Matthew 6

vs 1-4 Do not be boastful about giving to the needy. This should be a humble act.

vs 5-15 Do not pray for recognition, but do it in private just between you and God. Some people pray with big Christianese words to impress other people but this is not the goal of prayer. Prayer is for us to show our love for God. Jesus then takes the time to show us how to pray. By now you know this as the Lord's prayer. It is something we pray as a congregation every week, because it covers every area.

1. it lifts up God.
2. shows intentions of bringing his kingdom to earth.
3. praying His will and not our own.
4. giving us what we need to survive.
5. asking for forgiveness.
6. keeping us out of the places of temptation.

vs 16-18 Fasting is a discipline that keeps us focused on God. We separate from normality in life, of food, tv, video games and other things, to use the time for worship. Do not go around telling everyone you fast, this is not the purpose of fasting. Just like giving to the needy, and prayer it is something you should keep between you and God.

vs 19-24 We all own things that we treasure. But how much should we stake out lives on this. The things we own today in a few years will be obsolete and fading. We will not be able to take anything with us. The things we treasure show us our true heart. No one can serve two masters. They could contradict each other  and then who would you follow then? 

vs 25-34 Do not worry. It does not do any good. But seek first God's kingdom and all the things most people worry about will be given to you.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 13

Matthew 5 

Sermon on the Mount part 1

The next three days we will be reading the most famous sermon of all time. This passage has a lot of practical living advice. It calls us to a higher standard in many areas of life.

vs 1-12 The Beatitudes
We covered the beatitudes the other day. But I will address them a little more. These little phrases might seem confusing to you because who says "blessed are the poor in spirit?" It does not seem normal too us. This is a bit of a paradox. A paradox is something that seems contradicting. We are told the blessed ones are the ones with all the money, power, toys and other material positions. These phrases show us the type God is looking for. When you are able to survive and thrive in your faith it is because you rely and depend upon God for your strength. Those who feel they have it all together do not rely on God as much as the poor in spirit, the mournful, the meek, the hungry,  and so on.

vs 13-16
Salt enhances flavor, salt is also a preservative. We need to be the salt to enhance the name of Christ. Preserve it so the name of Christ will live on in our and future generations. Light over cedes darkness. We need to spread the light to overtake the darkness in the world.

vs 17-20
The law will not be abolished. Meaning what was written through scriptures is still valid today. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law which will be an enhancing of scripture. Everywhere from the law that is seen in the first five books of the Old Testament, to the prophecies of Christ. 

vs 21-26 Murder
Every one knows murder is wrong, and I hope most of you do not struggle with this sin. However anyone who is angry with a brother or calls his brother a fool will be in danger of murder. It calls us to a new level of love. 

vs 27-30 Adultery
Anyone who looks lustfully at a woman is subject to adultery. It is not just about cheating physically but cheating with your heart. It would be better to gouge out your eye then for your whole body to be thrown into hell. This probably should not be taken literally. But take whatever steps necessary to love Christ more and sin less.

vs 31-32 Divorce
Divorce should be the last option taken. It is only okay in marital unfaithfulness. Even though it is not implied here I would also go with abuse as being part of the unfaithfulness. Divorce is difficult and affects a lot more then just the couple involved.

vs 33-37 Trustworthy
Be a man or woman of your word.

vs 38-42 More then required
1. Turn the other cheek... let him slap the other as well. We should not retaliate in a way that the world does. Yet another level of love.
2. If someone forces you to walk go one mile, go two. The phrase "go the extra mile," comes from this. When this was preached Romans had power in Israel and would seldom ask someone to carry his stuff up to a mile. It was even a law that required them to do it. So when a soldier asked them to do it, it was almost a slap in the face to go two miles.

vs 43-48 Love your enemies
A new level of love is shown here. Neighbor also includes enemy. We learned this when we read the Good Samaritan. Because they were not the nicest of friends. 

This chapter is closed to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. What do you think about this phrase? Is it possible to be perfect?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 12

Luke 10:1-42

vs 1-17 Sending out of 72 disciples to spread the word. This verse addresses the need for workers in the harvest. The harvest that is referred to in this passage is for souls. We have heard Jesus refer to this as "fishers of men" as well.
some tips for Jesus
1. do not take anything with you
2. live off of people of peace in order to spread the word
3. if you are not welcomed kick the dust off of your feet and leave.
The disciples return from their journey with joy.

vs 18-20 Jesus addresses those who return. This authority comes from me.

vs 21-22 Full of joy, Jesus prays

vs 23-24 Jesus says to disciples, You are lucky for seeing what you have seen.

Good Samaritan
vs 25-28 Expert of law asks Jesus "what must I do to have have eternal life?" I like Jesus response of this. He answers with a question. "How do you read it?" 
The answer is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind. And to Love your neighbor as yourself." This is what you must do to have eternal life. This is why it is the greatest commandment. 

vs 29-37 But the guy was still confused and asked, "who is my neighbor?" Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan. Now remember last week when we read the story about Jesus helping out the woman at the well. She was also a Samaritan. Jewish people and Samaritans did not get along. So it makes this story even more powerful.

A man was beat up and robbed and left him for dead. Three people passed him in the road.
1. A Priest saw him and crossed the road to avoid him in his path. 
2. A Levite saw him and did the same thing as the priest. A levite was one who would assist a priest in the religious duties of the church. So both people were highly involved in the church but ignored the guy who was beat up on the side of the road.
3. A Samaritan walked buy and saw a man who was injured. Took pity on him and helped. He bandaged his wounds, took him to an inn to take care of him. What an amazing story of charity and helping a stranger. 
A neighbor is not someone you live next door to. It is anybody and everybody. There is an old song. "They will know we are Christians by our love."  Let us live it out.

vs 38-42 Jesus at the house of Mary and Martha
1. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus listening to Him. 
2. Martha served around the house trying to take care of Jesus. But it says Martha was distracted. She had Jesus there at her side. She wanted Mary to help her. Jesus tried to calm her down by saying "Mary, has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away." 

I think this is a great story to wrap up the reading right after the Good Samaritan. Many people get blind sided by the idea of serving and loving neighbor that at times we forget the first part of the command to Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength." Do not get distracted by what you do. But remember first and foremost who you are; A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 11

Mark 8:1-38

vs 1-13 With 7 loaves of bread and a few fish Jesus fed 4000 people. This is a crazy amount of people to feed with such a low amount of food. People just didnt take a bite and pass it along. That would have still been 4000 bites of food. If you read vs 8 each person was satisfied after the meal. The ate until they were hungry no longer.

Yesterday I had 4 people over at the house watching a football game. We consumed two large pizzas. I find myself eating substantial amounts of food on my own. God is a God of miracles.

vs 14-21 God will be more than sufficient for all your needs. He will provide for you whatever it might be that you need. In both cases of the feeding of the 5000 and the 4000 they ended up with more food after they ate then when they started eating. That my friend is a miracle.

vs 22-26 Jesus heals a man with spit. It might seem gross but hey it worked. If you were blind and it gave you a chance to see I think you would risk it. It is definitely a lot cheaper then eye care today. Then Jesus heals the man so he can see clearly. A powerful healing from the Christ.

vs 27-30 Jesus asks two questions
1. Who do people say I am- John the Baptist, Elijah, another prophet.
2. Who do you say I am- Peter answers, "You  are the Christ."

I wonder who you might say Jesus is? Who is Christ in your life? And how has this changed you?

vs 31-38 Jesus predicts that He will die and rise again in three days. Peter had a problem with this and Jesus rebuked him for it, even called him Satan. The death and the resurrection was God's plan to bring salvation to the people and Peter did not want this to happen. But it must. Jesus then challenged each disciple to take up his own cross and follow Him.  To save your life you must lose your life. This is a total transformation of giving your life to Christ and asking him to lead and guide you in your journey with him. 

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 10

Luke 7

Looks like I read day 10 yesterday. So today I will go back to complete day 9.

Faith of the centurion
vs 1-10 This story of healing is really cool because the centurion has faith that Jesus can heal from a long distance. This is awesome faith who Jesus said he had never found faith like this in all of Israel. And of course Jesus healed him.

It is amazing how God hardly ever repeats miracles in scripture. This shows God's versatility and His power in many ways. Never underestimate how God can work in your life.

vs 11-17 Jesus raises another dead person to life. And people were in awe and praised God. God wants to be praised so when Good things happend we should answer in worship.

vs 18-33 People continue to ask to see if Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus talks about how peoples perception is not always what it seems about the person.

Jesus Anointed by a sinful woman
vs 36-50 A woman cleans Jesus feet with tears and expensive perfume as an act of worship.
Jesus talks about forgiveness and those who have been forgiven much have a lot to be thankful for. This gift was amazing and I do not want to take it for granted. Jesus forgave her sins and tells her to go in peace.

What an amazing story of worship and gratefulness.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 9

Luke 8

vs 1-15 Different outcomes of the seed and where it is planted.
1. Along a path- birds came and ate it up... ones who hear but the devil distracts the Word from there hearts. 
2. Rock- it grew but was never able to take root... receive the word, believe for a while but fall away eventually.
3. Among thorns- grew but eventually choked out... they receive the word but are choked by life's worries and pleasures. Never mature.
4. Good soil- grew immensely... Hear the word, retain it and live it.

It is not enough just to read the bible, live it out, let it change your heart!

vs 16-18 Let others see the light. Be real.

vs 19-21 Put into practice the word of God.

vs 22-25 Have faith in God, He was there for the disciples in the storm. The winds and waves obey Him.

vs 26-39 Heal a demon possessed man, by casting the evil spirits into a heard of pigs. The pigs go crazy and run into the lake and drown. This scared the people and they asked Jesus to leave. The guy who Jesus healed wanted to go with Him, but Jesus told him to go home and show what God had done for him.

vs 40-53
Jairus asks Jesus to heal his daughter. While on the way there was a thick crowd of people, as Jesus walked through the crowd he felt someone  touch him. Power escaped him. He asked who touched him and she fell at his feet and told him of her healing that had happened when she touched him. While this was happening someone told Jairus his daughter had died. Jesus told Jairus not to worry and that his daughter would be healed. When they arrived at the house only Jesus and Peter, John and James went into the girls room with the parents. Jesus said, "She is not dead, but asleep. My Child get up!" and told them to get her something to eat. 

The power of Christ can heal disease and death. Put your faith in him.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 8

Luke 6

vs 1-11 Pharisees are always questioning Jesus about the Old Testament rules. Jesus uses other stories to help with his reasoning for picking grain on the Sabbath. On another day while in the temple Jesus saw a man whose right hand was crippled. The Pharisees were thinking about whether or not Jesus would heal this man on. Jesus again knew what they were thinking and brought the man up in front of everybody and asked a question. "Is it better to do good or evil?" And healed the man's hand.

vs 12-16 Jesus went out to pray at the mountainside. If we are to model the lifestyle of Christ. We too should pray often. Jesus wanted to connect with his Father. Just as we should want to connect with Him.

vs 17-26 The Beatitudes (also read Matthe 5:3-12)
Great miracles were happening because people humbled themselves and followed after Jesus to be healed from things they had no control of. Blessed is the poor (in Spirit), hungry, weep, when you are hated, reject you. All these thing will pass. This is why they are blessings, because you will eventually get through them. The other side can make you comfortable. While this side will help you lean on God and in the end be blessed.

1. If one slaps you, (turn the cheek), this means for you to allow him to slap you on the other cheek.
2. Give to everyone who asks.
3. Golden rule- Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Even if they are not treating you the way that they should.
4. Loving people who love you is easy.
5. Be merciful as our Father is merciful.

vs 37-42
1. Do not judge, condemn.
2. Do forgive, give
3. Do not judge something in someone else life, because what you are doing is wrong as well.

vs 43-45
Christian bear good fruit, meaning peoples lives and hearts will be changing around you because of your changed heart.

vs 46-49
Be smart about what you build your faith upon. If it is not the right foundation it will fall flat.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 7

John 4

Samaritan Woman
Have you ever been in a place where you have felt like an outcast? This is the situation of Samaritans. They were looked down on because of their race. They were seen as people who were avoided. Most people traveling from Judea to Galilee would travel around Samaria even though it would save them a bunch of traveling time. Except Jesus is not most people. He does not avoid anybody.  When he went to the well he had an encounter with a woman, that would impact her life forever. He offered her living water so she would thirst no more. He offered her himself. 

They get into a conversation about worship. Worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. These are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. Then he says he is the Messiah.

The woman leaves and tell others what had happened, how he knew everything about her life. Because of her testimony many became believers in Christ.

Jesus leaves and goes back to Galilee, and is approached by a royal official whose son is close to death. He asks Jesus to come and heal his son. But Jesus told him his son would live. The official returns home and found out that his son's fever broke at the time Jesus and him talked. 

What a great story to talk about first a spiritual healing and then a physical healing.

Hope you have a great week. See you all tonight.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 6

Luke 5:1-39

Calling of the Disciples

This is one of the passages I use to talk about a follower of Christ. It is an amazing story of sacrifice for the disciples that gave up everything to follow Christ. 

vs 1-3 Jesus preached to the crowds sitting in a boat over the water. This acted as a natural amplifier so the crowd could hear easily. 

vs 4-7 Jesus after preaching asked Simon Peter to put out in deep waters and cast out nets. Simon Peter followed request even though he had fished all night and caught nothing. This shows his obedience. They caught more fish than they could handle that their nets were breaking and called for backup.

vs 8-10a Astonished with this catch Simon dropped to his knees and admitted he was a sinner. 

vs 10b-11 Jesus redefined there life with this line, "don't be afraid, from now on you will catch men. They left everything and followed Christ. 

They left their boats sitting there, they left the huge catch of fish that would have provided food and money to survive, they left their family business and family. They were probably still young at this time. We are unsure if they were married, but probably not. They changed everything about their lives, their priorities. Jesus redefined who they were.

Healing of a man with leprosy
vs 12-15 A man asks Christ "if you are willing, you can make me clean." Christ touched him answered "I am willing, be clean." This had to be huge for the man. He had not been touched by another person since he had leprosy. Touch can be a powerful thing. Jesus told him not to tell anybody, just go show the priest that he was clean and to make a sacrifice to show his thankfulness. Yet many people came to Jesus to be healed. This must be the way to get people to tell other people about Christ, tell them not to talk about Christ. Yet everyone knew what happened and came to him for healing. 

vs 16 Jesus withdrew to a lonely place to pray.

Healing of a paralytic
vs 17-19 Jesus was teaching in a house. Some men took their paralyzed friend to Jesus. When they realized it was crowded they made  a hole in the roof, to lower him down.

vs 20-26 Jesus saw their faith and forgave his sins, Pharisees were thinking blasphemy, "who can forgive sins, but God alone. Jesus called them out on their thoughts. And told the man to stand up and walk.  This was obviously a pretty good day for him. He had a life altering encounter with Jesus Christ and it forever changed his heart and his physical disability. Everyone praise to God.

Calling of Levi
vs 27-31 Jesus told Levi to follow him, Levi got up, left everything and followed Christ. Levi threw a banquet for Jesus with his friends. The Pharisees yet again complained about his actions of eating with sinners. Jesus responded the sick need a doctor, the sinner needs repentance. 

Questions about fasting
vs 33-35 Jesus was asked why don't your disciples fast? His answer was their was a time for this and it was not it. 

vs 36-39 Do not patch an old garment with a new one. It would tear and make it worse. The new wine in an old wineskin would burst. 


Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 5

John 3

This is one of those passages that amazes me every time I read it. There is so much depth and truth to this passage it will be hard to sum up everything for you. 

vs 1-2 Nicodemus was a Pharisee, unlike most Pharisee's Nicodemus recognized that he came from God.

vs 3 a man must be born again to see the kingdom of God.

vs 4 Nicodemus asks a valid question of how can a man be born again if he is old? We can't reenter our mother's womb.

vs 5-8 The rebirth is of water and spirit. This is a spiritual rebirth that is mysterious just like the wind. 

vs 9-13 Jesus explains to Nicodemus that it is hard enough for him to believe in earthly things of course it will be harder for him to believe in heavenly things that he has never seen. Only God has seen these things.

This is where things get interesting. I love how Jesus always brings up what has happened with God's people in scripture. When we learn to do this in our lives our faith will be so much stronger.

vs 14-15  This is a reference to Numbers 21:4-9 While in the desert people were dying from venomous snake bites. God did something here to rescue them from the poison. He told Moses to make a snake and put it on a pole. All the Israelites had to do was to view the symbol and they would be rescued from certain death. This is where the symbol of modern day medicine came into play. What a story of redemption which brings us into the second half of the verse. 

The Son of Man will be lifted up to rescue us from death and an eternity away from the presence of God in hell. 

vs 16-18 One of the most recognized verses in all of scripture is verse 16. Put your faith in the one and only Son of God and you will have eternal life. Jesus was sent here to save the world. If you do not have faith in Christ you will be condemned. 

vs 19-21  Stay in the light, light= truth, darkness is where people go to hide their actions.

vs 22-36 Jesus is baptizing his disciple and people go to complain to John the Baptist about this, John however uplifts the Son of God. He tries every thing in his power to take the attention away from himself. "He becomes greater, I become less." It is all about giving Christ glory. He ends the passage with "whoever believes in the Son has eternal life."

This is a great chapter. It is all about Jesus being lifted up for the salvation of all humanity.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 4

This chapter is one of the reasons I gave this challenge in the first place. 

vs 1. Jesus is full and led by the Holy Spirit.

vs 2-13 Jesus was tempted by the Devil. In each and every response Jesus gave was the answer of scripture. 

Many times we are going through life and fall into temptation because we are not prepared for what we would do if this were to happen. Sure at times it is easy to say no. But what if we receive pressure from some of the people closest to us. How will we get through these times if we are not in the word and do not know what we believe. We need to have an answer for why. One of the most interesting things is Jesus had not eaten during these 40 days of temptation. I know when I have not eaten for 4 hours I start to get weak and temperamental. I have a lack of energy and become tired.  When I become tired I make stupid decisions that I would not normally make when I am myself.  So what do I do? I do not allow myself to get in situations like that. When I am hungry, I eat. When I am tired, I sleep. I do not have deep conversations when I am tired because I know I might say something I regret.

vs 14-15 Jesus had the power of the Spirit.

vs 16-19 Jesus taught  about the prediction of Christ and talked as if it were him.

vs 20-27 People were angered and ready to throw Christ of a cliff for heresy. But He walked away and continued to quote more scripture and talk about other stories in scripture.

vs 32, 36-37  Jesus message had authority

vs 33-35 Jesus drove out an evil spirit.

vs 38-41 Jesus healed many.

vs 42-44 said He came to preach the good news of the kingdom of God.

I hope you continue in this process of reading scripture. Jesus was able to avoid falling into temptation because his values came straight from the heart of God and He aligned his heart to what was written in scripture. 

Call me if you have any questions or leave a comment here.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 3

Mark 1:1-11

This chapter brings us a little more information on John the Baptist and his relationship with Christ. One thing we learned/reminded of in December is that John the Baptist is the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. This would make John and Jesus cousins. 

vs 2-3 We find out that Isaiah tells us there will be someone to prepare the way for the Lord.

vs 4-5, 7-8 John preached and baptized people. His message was someone will come more powerful than I.

vs  6 John was a man of all men. He wore rough clothing, ate crazy food.

vs 9-11 Baptism of Christ. Holy Spirit came in the image of a Dove, and the voice of God the Father "you are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."

What a story of affirmation given to Christ by John, His Father and the Holy Spirit. This was a sign that His ministry was ready. It was time to accomplish the things He had come to earth to achieve. 

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 2

This chapter should be easier for you, since we have gone through it the last 3 weeks at church. I hope you continue to learn from this and recall what the pastors have spoken about the last few weeks.

vs 1-7 Birth of Christ

vs 8-12 Angel reveals Christ to Shepherds

vs 13-14 A bunch of Angels praising God.

vs 15-20 Shepherd go to Bethlehem to see Baby Christ.

vs 21-24 Jewish Purification, and sacrifice at the temple- a ceremony all 8 day old Jewish boys have. 

vs 25- 27 Intro to Simeon-Holy Spirit upon him, knowing who Christ was.

vs 28-35 Simeon's Blessing on Jesus. "eyes have seen your salvation." I really like this quote, it really opens up the door for what Christ means to the world.

vs 36-38 Anna telling about the redemption of Israel through Jesus.

vs 39-40 Jesus grew in strength and wisdom

vs 41-47 Jesus learning from the teachers in the temple. Everyone was amazed at his understanding.  

vs 48-50 Parents finally find him after searching for a while. Jesus response was, "why wouldn't you think about looking here first? This is my Father's house."

vs 51-52 Jesus continued to grow in wisdom and stature. 

Day 1

John 1 is an awesome chapter but for new Bible readers might be a little difficult. I will walk through it for you and give some thought to spark thought. 

vs 1-5 The first thing you need to know is the Word is Jesus. He was there in the beginning with God and He is God. Everything was created by God. So everything was created through Jesus. 

vs 6-13, 15-18 John came as a witness of the light in order to reveal the light to the world.

vs 14 Jesus became human. This is known as the incarnation. 

vs 19-28 John the Baptist answers priests and levites questions that he is not the Christ

vs 29- 34 John reveals Jesus as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.

vs 35-42 John reveals to his disciples the Lamb of God. Andrew goes and tells his brother Simon Peter.

vs 43-51 Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael to be his disciples. Jesus saw there was nothing false in Nathanael. Nathanael calls Jesus the Son of God.


This is just the beginning of a challenge for all of you that will start at 30 days. During this time you will read about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. I hope and pray that as you read the Word of God that you will grow and mature into the person God desires for your life. 

I hope this challenges and nurtures your heart and will help you learn more about what we believe as followers of Christ. 

I hope this challenge gives you the confidence and freedom to live out your walk in your daily life.

I hope that this instills the habit of you being in the scriptures on a daily basis.

For those of you that might have already lost the 30 Days Challenge Bible verses, here they are again.

30 Days with Jesus

Journey with Jesus for 30 days and allow Him to change your life:

* how to use this card:

1. Read each days scripture

2. Journal about what the scripture says about Jesus and what that means to your life.

3. End each time with Pray

1.      John 1:1-51

2.      Luke 2:1-52

3.      Mark 1:1-11

4.      Luke 4:1-44

5.      John 3:1-36

6.      Luke 5:1-39

7.      John 4:1-54

8.      Luke 6:1-49

9.      Luke 7: 1-50

10.    Luke 8:1-56

11.    Mark 8:1-38

12.    Luke 10:1-42

13.    Matthew 5:1-48

14.    Matthew 6:1-34

15.    Matthew 7:1-29

16.    Luke 14:1-35

17.    Luke 15:1-32

18.    Luke 16:1-31

19.    John 8:1-59

20.    Luke 17:1-37

21.    Luke 18:1-43

22.    John 9:1-41

23.    Luke 19:1-48

24.    Luke 20:1-47

25.    John 10:1-42

26.    John 11:1-57

27.    Mark 13:1-37

28.    Luke 22:1-71

29.   Matthew 27:1-66

30.    Luke 24:1-53